Dr. Ki Jung on Why it’s Important to Support the Advancement of Brain Science
This week marks Brain Awareness Week, the global campaign to foster public enthusiasm and support for brain science. Every March, participants host imaginative activities in their communities that share the wonders of the brain, and the impact brain science has on our everyday lives.
At Carolina NeuroSurgery & Spine Associates, the advancement and impact of brain science is critical to the work we do for our patients every single day. We asked our own neurologist,
Dr. Ki Jung, why it’s important to support the advancement of brain science.
“The brain and nervous system are one of the most vital parts of our human body. Disorders of our brain and nervous system impair our ability to live normal, healthy lives,” says Dr. Jung.
The advancement of brain science provides tools and treatments for various neurological conditions to allow neurologists like Dr. Jung to improve the lives of those suffering from neurological disorders and make a significant impact on quality of life. One area of particular concern for Dr. Jung is dementia.
“Currently, dementia is at epidemic proportions in our society,” he says. “Dementia is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects a person’s memory and cognitive function, and current statistics show that 10% of all individuals over the age of 65 years have some form of dementia. And that percentage only increases with age. Somewhere in the world, someone develops dementia every 3 seconds.”
According to Dr. Jung, that number becomes significantly more important when considering the increase in life expectancy.
“Thanks to modern medicine and medical advances in technology and treatments, people are living longer these days. As our bodies age, we will inevitably have some degree of dysfunction in our neurological abilities,” Dr. Jung says.
“So, advancing brain science will help medical professionals to better diagnose and treat patients living with these neurological disorders.”
If you or a loved one are suffering from a neurological disorder, or are interested in learning more about Dr. Jung’s work supporting brain health, schedule an appointment with us!
About our Neurology Services

Neurology involves the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders regarding the central and peripheral nervous systems, including strokes, headaches, numbness/tingling, and seizures. Board-certified and fellowship-trained neurologist Ki Jung, MD, provides neurology care at our Huntersville/Lake Norman office. Dr. Jung has more than 18 years of experience helping patients with neurological disorders and has earned an outstanding reputation in the region. e disorders, tremors and movement disorders.
Watch Dr. Jung describe the field of Neurology

Our Neurology services are offered in our Huntersville/Lake Norman office and include the evaluation and treatment of:
- Migraines
- Chronic daily headaches
- Hemifacial spasms
- Seizures
- Syncope or blackout spells
- Strokes and TIAs
- Restless legs syndrome
- Dizziness and vertigo
- Limb pain
- Numbness/tingling
- Pins/needles sensations
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Myopathies (muscle weakness/pain)
- Radiculopathies (pinched nerves)
- Movement disorders
- Tremors/Parkinson’s disease
- Memory disorders/Alzheimer’s disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
On-site diagnostic services at our Huntersville/Lake Norman office:
- Electroencephalography (EEG) – Brainwave testing
- Electromyography (EMG) – Needle muscle testing
- Nerve Conductions Studies (NCS) – Nerve testing
All NCS and EMG studies are personally performed and interpreted by Dr. Jung and his clinical team. Dr. Jung is fellowship-trained in neuro-diagnostic testing and specifically board-certified in clinical neurophysiology.
Please call the Huntersville office at 704-831-4145 or fax a referral to 704-831-4143 to make an appointment or to submit a referral for any diagnostic testing. (A prior neurological consultation is not required to have an EEG, EMG/NCS.)
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. New and current patients can call our offices to make an appointment or request an appointment online.
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